Mibenge Sumaili

Global Administrative Assistant

Mibenge possesses a comprehensive academic foundation, with an MBA in Management, a BBA in Marketing, and a BBA in Human Resources Management, showcasing his multifaceted expertise in critical business disciplines. His professional journey is marked by a deep commitment to social causes, particularly focusing on the empowerment of marginalized communities. Mibenge has dedicated a significant portion of his career to working with vulnerable women, employing both his academic knowledge and personal compassion to make a tangible difference in their lives. His involvement in projects aimed at combating child labor in Zambia reflects his broader commitment to social justice and human rights.

A staunch advocate for education, Mibenge upholds the conviction that enlightenment is the cornerstone of nurturing self-esteem among young girls and fostering the empowerment of women at large. He argues that by equipping women and girls with education, they are better positioned to challenge societal norms, access better opportunities, and ultimately, contribute to the economic and social development of their communities. Mibenge’s work goes beyond immediate interventions, as he aims to instigate long-term societal changes through advocacy, education, and direct engagement with affected communities. His holistic approach to empowerment and advocacy underscores the interconnectedness of education, economic independence, and social equity in building resilient communities where women and girls can thrive.

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