Programs Objective

At WIMAGE, all of our programs are focused on promoting gender equality and women’s representation and leadership in decision-making processes. We believe that by addressing the barriers and challenges that hinder women‘s participation, we will create a more inclusive and just society for all.


The Global Eye

On the Status of Women & Children

The launch of an international open data portal devoted to women and children is a major milestone for WIMAGE in the global promotion of child rights, gender equality, and sustainable development. Through the utilization of the knowledge and connections that global civil society representations offer, we can guarantee that the portal develops into an important resource for tracking advancements, recognizing obstacles, and promoting constructive change both domestically and internationally.


In order to better the lives of vulnerable populations, it is imperative that a worldwide open data gateway with a focus on women and children be created. This would promote transparency, accountability, and evidence-based decision-making. Policymakers, researchers, campaigners, and the general public can all benefit from the portal’s centralization of data on important indicators like health, education, employment, and violence against women and children.


Promote Democratic Electoral Systems and Integrity

We acknowledges the pivotal role of gender equality in fostering integrity, justice, and transparency within democratic frameworks. This initiative is dedicated to fostering inclusivity and diversity in electoral processes by empowering women to serve as election monitors and active participants.

Through our formative research that informs our strategic focus advocacy, our program confronts gender-specific obstacles that impede women’s meaningful engagement in electoral and democratic spheres. By providing training, support, and fostering local partnerships, we equip women with the tools and confidence to contribute effectively to political processes. 

Our objective is to elevate women’s voices and bolster their presence in political arenas through targeted capacity-building and communication strategies. Utimatley, by compiling evidence on gender-specific electoral challenges, we advocate for policy reforms that advance women’s equal and substantive involvement in governance.

Transformative Leadership and Governance

The program comprehensive and innovative approach to promoting women’s participation and leadership in decision-making processes. We identify and target potential and influential female leaders to create women’s groups at the grassroot level and provide them with comprehensive training that encompasses key leadership skills such as public speaking, conflict resolution, and strategic planning.

The women’s groups serve as a support network for each other, and we facilitate regular meetings and mentorship opportunities to foster collaboration and solidarity among the members.  The women’s groups take it as their initiative to institutionalize the 2/3 gender representation, perform public audits, participate in local development processes,  and advocate for gender-responsive governance and policies at the local level.

Through this program, we aim to increase the number of women in governance at the local level and create a network of strong and confident women leaders who hold their local governments accountable.

Advocacy for Institutional Development

WIMAGE’s “Advocacy for Institutional Development Program” aims to challenge and transform societal norms and structures that hinder women’s full and equal participation in governance and corporate leadership.

This program advocates for legal reforms, policies, and practices that promote women’s meaningful representation and leadership, such as quotas and gender-sensitive regulations.

Through targeted advocacy efforts and strategic partnerships, we aim to improve the institutional capacity and resources for women’s representation and leadership.

We also engage in raising awareness and education initiatives to promote gender equality and raise awareness about the importance of women’s meaningful representation in decision-making space.

Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response

WIMAGE recognizes that gender-based violence is a widespread challenge that hinders women‘s full and equal participation in the democratic process. OurGBV Prevention and Response Program aims to prevent, protect, and respond to gender-based violence against women in the political and public spheres.

Through awareness-raising, education, and advocacy, we promote a zero-tolerance culture towards GBV, and we provide support and resources for victims and survivors.

We also work with law enforcement and justice systems to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions. Our goal is to create a safe and inclusive space for women to participate in political processes without fear of violence or intimidation.

Girl Development Program (GDP)

We recognize the role of education and resources in empowering women and promoting their equal participation in the democratic process. Our “Girl Development Program” strives to provide support, training, and mentorship for women to develop their leadership skills, run for political office, and participate effectively in decision-making processes.

Through workshops, training sessions, and mentoring programs, we aim to develop and support confident and informed women leaders who will drive sustainable change in their communities and society.

We also work towards increasing access to education for girls and young women, especially in marginalized communities, to empower them to become future leaders and decision-makers.

“From Cradle To Power'”

WIMAGE University Network (WUN)

WIMAGE University Network (WUN) is a transformative programme that connects universities worldwide to share, explore and exchange ideas and experiences on good governance, entrepreneurship, gender equality, women’s rights, and youth political participation. 

Through this network, we convene online and in-person conferences, webinars, debates, and training retreat programs to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and exposure to become agents of change within their communities. 

WUN also organizes research paper contests for university students to help them evaluate the grassroots issues affecting their respective communities, and publish the winning research papers.

WIMAGE University Network


Maternal Health

WIMAGE HEALTH PROGRAM aims to be a comprehensive support system for expectant and new mothers, addressing key aspects of maternal health to improve outcomes and ensure that mothers receive the care and support they need. By focusing on accessibility, education, and community support, WHP seeks to create a healthier future for mothers and their babies.

Mental Health & Youth Engagement

Community Hearts & Minds

WIMAGE HEALTH PROGAM aims to be a beacon of hope and a source of strength for children, women, and youth worldwide, recognizing the universal need for mental health support while celebrating the diversity of experiences and cultures. Through education, empowerment, and community engagement, WHP strives to build a more compassionate and mentally resilient global community.


Annually, WIMAGE will hold an annual Award Giving Summit to award and recognize the most improved countries on gender parity in leadership and governance.  WIMAGE Seal of Approval is an award of recognition for all the civil society organizations and other stakeholders involved in realizing the change of trajectory of women leadership and governance across WIMAGE pilot countries.

Award Merit Criteria: Every International Women’s Day, March 8th, WIMAGE will facilitate an annual award-giving summit. The Wimage seal of Approval will be awarded to the country that proves to “break the bias” on women’s plight in leadership and governance.

Award Significance: The Wimage Seal of Approval will serve as a recognition award in the efforts to capacitate women in politics, governance, and leadership. The Award will also come with a monetary value to recognize the efforts and facilitate more resources for the full realization of Gender Equality.