About Cetro Las Libres

Founded in 2000, Centro Las Libres is a feminist organization whose primary mission is to promote and defend women’s human rights and to demand the guarantee and respect of women’s rights in the state of Guanajuato and across Mexico. The organization specifically aims to provide women with access to legal and medical services. It also focuses on empowering indigenous, uneducated, or low-income women.

Centro Las Libres organizes workshops, conferences, and forums in communities, schools, and on public platforms to educate women and children about women’s human rights in a bid to build awareness among women of their basic human rights, teaching them how to exercise these rights in their daily lives.

Centro Las Libres promote:

  • The building of relationships based on gender equality between men and women in the day-to-day.
  • A life for women that is free of violence.
  • Women’s right to decide on their own bodies and their full right to exercise their sexuality in a safe, enjoyable, and responsible way.

The women who decide to contact Las Libres are guaranteed that together we will find a solution to their situation because we believe that women know what is best for them. We put ourselves on their side and we listen without judgment because we understand what they are going through. We place all of our social, technical, and legal tools at their disposal, allowing women to decide what they need, how their lives can be improved, what they require to move forward, and which path they want to take.Visit website »

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