
The Foundation for Studies and Research on Women (FEIM) is an Argentinean non-governmental, not-for-profit organization created in 1989 by a group of professional women who are gender specialists, in order to improve the social, working, legal, political, economic, and health conditions of women, girls, teenagers and young adults.


Equality between women and men in full respect of the Human Rights of women requires the elimination of gender-based inequalities and the improvement of women and girls’ access to education, work, healthcare, and full social and political participation.

On this basis, FEIM aims:

For women and girls to have the capacity to freely make all decisions related to their lives, including those concerning their sexuality and reproduction, without being subjected to any type of violence, coercion, or discrimination.

For women and men to have equal opportunities to access and enjoy their rights to education, healthcare, work, political participation, and economic resources, in order to guarantee their independence, as well as individual and collective development.Visit website »

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