Cari Bois is a national community that brings together communities, activists, academics, scientists, and journalists, to tell their own stories about the environmental impact of the extractive sector in Trinidad and Tobago and wider irresponsible development.
Cari Bois News emerged out of a 3-year national Action funded by the European Union “Enhancing Civil Society Capacity for Governance of Environmental Transparency and Accountability in Trinidad and Tobago’s Extractive Industries,” that worked with communities across Trinidad and Tobago to:
Fully recognize value and ability to contribute to national development; become familiar with and increase their understanding of the national environmental legislative and policy landscape and systems;
Increase their ability to utilize this new knowledge to be informed partners in the development of a more environmentally sustainable future; through
Training: The Action provided training for dozens of citizens from communities and NGOs working on environmental impacts of development, to learn how to best represent and tell their stories
Mentorship: Telling your stories might sound easy but communities and NGOs face many barriers between themselves and their ability to tell their truth. Cari Bois through its many facilitators provided mentorship to participating citizen journalists to build the confidence necessary to tell their storiesVisit website »